Medical Laser Therapy
Helping your body heal on a cellular level with the SUMMUS Platinum Class 4 Medical Laser
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the use of red and near-infrared light, which is absorbed by endogenous chromophores, triggering biological reactions through photochemical or photophysical events, leading to physiological changes.
Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is the therapeutic application of PBM which initiates a compounding beneficial metabolic response deep beyond the cells of damaged tissues, helping the patient heal quickly from a variety of conditions.
Tissue Healing
- Increased leukocyte activity. White blood cells are part of the body’s immune system, and this causes acceleration of tissue repair and decreased pain.
- Increased macrophage activity. These are a kind of white blood cell, the first cells at the scene of infection. Macrophages are a major mechanism used by the immune system to remove pathogens.
- Increased neovascularization. This results in growth of new blood vessels.
- Increased fibroblast activity. These are the most common cells of connective tissue production, and this speeds tissue repair.
- Keratinocyte proliferation. These are epidermal cells, resulting in decreased skin healing time and early epithelialization, the covering of wounds.
- Increased tensile strength. This helps to prevent re-injury.
Cellular Response
- 660nm:
Irradiating an area with 660nm, a wavelength where melanin in our skin absorbs very well, will ensure a large dose to the superficial region. Since light can both inhibit bacteria and promote cell growth, laser therapy has incredible results in wound healing and scar tissue regulation. - 800nm:
The enzyme determining how efficiently the cell converts molecular oxygen into ATP has the highest absorption at 800nm. Regardless of the enzyme’s molecular state, when it absorbs a photon it will flip states. Photon absorption will accelerate the process and increase cellular ATP production. - 905nm:
The quicker oxygen is released into the blood stream, the more fuel the cell has to carry out all of its natural healing processes. The peak of hemoglobin’s absorption lies at 905nm, and when this radiation is absorbed, more of this oxygen-fuel is made available to the cells. - 970nm:
Water in the blood transports oxygen to the cells, carries waste away, and absorbs very well at 970nm. The energy created from absorbing a photon gets converted to heat, creating a temperature gradient at the cellular level, stimulating micro-circulation, and bringing more oxygen-fuel to the cells.